Evil Season 2 Episode 3 Ifrit, The Islamic Fire Djinn And Kristen Needs Some Sexual Healing
Evil Season 2 Episode 3 introduces us to the fire Djinn Ifrit and shows that Christianity doesn’t have the market cornered on evil as the whole group wades deeper into the fire.
In Evil Season 2 Episode 3, A young foster child, Mathilda, is being investigated after several fires mysteriously were started in her home. The young girl shares many of Kristen’s daughter Lexis’ characteristics. She is the same age, has the same tea set, and, as we now know, is also touched by something more powerful than us. Her biological mother lost custody when Mathilda talked about a fiery man coming to her each night. She is now living with a couple who love her and want to adopt her, but the fires understandably concern them. They have reached out to the Catholic church because the husband is Catholic. The wife is Muslim, and the demon in question appears to be as well. David finds Matilda’s name with help from Sister Andrea, who deciphers some of the demonic sigil map. What other secrets does the map hold?
There is macabre humor to the terrifying exorcism of the Djinn by both a Catholic Priest and an Islamic Imam. The absurdity of the two men’s posturing, as well as the apparent misogyny displayed, is a clever way of showing how religious dogma turns some against the faith rather than towards it. It’s another smart move from Michelle and Robert King, who brilliantly weave deep moral questions with the intense fear of demonic possession.
The Djinn isn’t just affecting Mathilda, the foster child. It is also communicating with Kristen. Rather than flames on the outside, the fire to be seen, touched, and enjoyed as a woman is consuming her. So when a late-night trip to the bar for a decidedly unmarried, unmotherly interlude results in a literal burning for sex, she tries to squelch the flames with Risperidone. Unfortunately for both Kristin and Matilda, the Djinn isn’t that easy to get rid of, and he still has plans for the pair.
The final shot is yet another example of the ambiguity the Kings do so well. Mathilda sits in front of her home as fire erupts in the trash bin. Did she set it? Is she simply watching a fire the Djinn set? Is she a burgeoning pyromaniac who is trying to satisfy her curiosity with dumpster fires? The Djinn likely selected Mathilda because she had an obsession with fire to begin with. The look, the feel, the noise, the power called to her. The Djinn answered. What happens now is anyone’s guess.
For Kristen, her fire is metaphorical. She is drawn to the scorching heat of sexuality. Her husband rarely is home and has zero interest in raising the girls or sharing her bed. For a vibrant, intelligent woman, this is frustrating. The Djinn is drawn to that fire and is encouraging her urges just as it does Mathilda’s. Kristen can take all the medication she likes. Her home is becoming crowded with demons, and there isn’t much she seems to be able to do about it.
In Evil Season 2 Episode 3 F is For Fire, the group is introduced to Ifrit, the Islamic Fire demon or Djinn. Ben is the most equipped to investigate this particular mystery because of his Islamic faith and predilection to see shades of grey everywhere. His views are remarkably malleable for the man of science who is often the skeptic or voice of reason. In fact, he is far more flexible with ideas of good and bad, right and wrong, and evil and divine than David, who views the world through a strict Christain lens.
Where Evil Season 1 was incredibly entertaining and, at times, horrifying, Evil Season 2 is even more compelling. The dubious morality of all of our characters is in play. Kristen killed Orson LeRoux because she really did believe her family was in danger, but murder is still both a crime and a mortal sin. David is a priest in training who is not particularly humble before God as he demands answers through drugs. Kristen’s mother loves her grandchildren but isn’t above throwing them to the wolves to get what she wants and has more than a nasty fascination with “bad boys”.
Sister Andrea is an intriguing addition with her boundless knowledge and uncanny ability to see what Leland is when her superiors can not. Why can she see it? What makes her more special? Does she have a darkside too that allows her to see what others can’t? Ben, the only person who hasn’t shown obvious signs of sin, is now witnessing a succubus. What darkness is she drawn to?
Just like demonic sigils have their own encyclopedia called The Lesser Key of Solomon, Islam has the Ajaib al-Makhluqat wa Gharaib al-Mawjudat, or Marvels of Things and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing. As Ben points out, dJinn is neither only good nor evil. They are often both helpful and kind to some, whereas they are malicious and dangerous to others. According to the ancient Muslim faith, the djinn are created from hellfire. Like humans, they have free will and can choose to be either good or bad.
The most prominent of the djinn is Azazel, who later changed his name to Iblis, the equivalent of Christianity’s Satan. He had five sons, Birah, the lord of catastrophes; al-A‘war, the lord of adultery, lust, and seduction; Masut, the lord of lies; Dasem, the lord of strife (especially between married couples); and Zalnabur, the lord of markets and cheating in trade. At least two of those seem to be wreaking havoc with our group. Dasem appears as Ben’s demon who is sowing distrust and strife, while Kristin’s is obviously caught the attention of al-A’War. Our group needs to be very careful. Leland is by far not their only problem. Christians aren’t the only ones plagued by demons, and our trio may be learning the hard way that Evil is nondenominational.
The Ifrit, which is haunting Kristen and Mathilda, is almost always considered bad. He may choose to help people, but only when he has ulterior motives. Magic was developed that those who believe will ward off the demon. Talismen and blood rituals are examples of this protective practice. Unfortunately, the ending of Evil Season 2 Episode 3 does not instill much hope that the joint exorcism was all that successful. Perhaps the answer is darker. Kristin was told if the demon is expunged from the possessed soul, it will search out another to possess. Is Kristen the new host? George may have to learn to share.
Things are heating up(pun intended) in Evil Season 2 Episode 3. Let’s hope the group can resist fanning the flames and find some light in all the darkness surrounding them. Find all our Evil coverage here.

As the Managing Editor for Signal Horizon, I love watching and writing about genre entertainment. I grew up with old-school slashers, but my real passion is television and all things weird and ambiguous. My work can be found here and Travel Weird, where I am the Editor in Chief.