IT Chapter II Actors Revealed – Ranking the Best Adult/Kid Matchups

After much talk and speculation, agreements and celeb gossip, the cast of IT: Chapter 2 is revealed. The Losers Club is all grown up; we’ll be taking a look at each of the matchups and ranking them based on what we know about the actors (and, let’s be honest, some wild speculation and also personal bias). We’re looking at physical characteristics and personality/character styles. There are some elements of the book that we’ll consider on as well to help make determinations, so reader beware of some potential spoilers from the book.
Before getting started, it’s important to point out that this was really tough. Overall, the picks of adult counterparts for the younger characters is spot-on.
Kid Actor-Jeremy Ray Taylor Adult Actor-Jay Ryan
I’m not gonna lie, this one is a huge stretch. Just look at them. Jeremy Ray Taylor is the dang all cutest, but hair color and bone structure aren’t even close (obviously dying hair is among the easiest things to change, but the overall face is more difficult). That being said, I love Jay Ryan. If you watched CW’s fantasy series Beauty and the Beast, you know he is capable of some serious brooding sensitivity so I’m calling it now: he will be the surprise standout of the group. Grown up Ben is supposed to be an architect, but the real structural marvel is that bod (amirite) that he develops after deciding not to be fat anymore, running track and switching his diet to mostly greens (he discusses this at length in the book). As far as brooding goes, Ben is sensitive and thoughtful, and spends a lot of time looking and thinking, so brooding isn’t too far of a stretch for this actor. His chemistry with Bev (Jessica Chastain) will also be really important…but, like, who isn’t in love with her…so it can’t be that hard to act it.
Kid Actor: Wyatt Oleff Adult Actor: Andy Bean
If the movie is going to stay true to the events of the book, we won’t see much of Mr. Uris — the fact that Andy Bean doesn’t have nearly the portfolio of some of the other characters seems to hint that he’s not going to make too big of an appearance. Some of the most important things about Stan’s character are the pressure he is under from his rabbi father and his dislike of disorder. His always pressed shirts tucked into his perfect pleated slacks made a huge contrast with the other Losers’ jeans and raggedy T-shirts. Whoever is playing adult Stanley needs to have a keen awareness of his more delicate sensibility — there’s not a lot of evidence from Mr. Bean (had to, sorry) that indicates how he’ll handle the role. He’s going to have to capture the happiness that Stan finds that completely crumbles with one phone call. Physically, the two are pretty well matched – both have the baby faced good looks; however, Bean can project some rugged manliness when his beard is grown out. It will be interesting to see what kind of style the filmmakers give him for Stan.
Kid Actor: Jack Dylan Grazer Adult Actor: James Ransone
Physically, these two are very well matched; from the dark eyes to the shape of the mouth, there are some striking physical similarities. Just like Eddie, James has dealt with physical challenges that stem from mental instabilities. At the age of 27, James overcame a real life heroin addiction. Eddie, despite his physical and mental limitations, is a real survivor, and James can pull from real life challenges to portray this tough kid in hiding. No joke — in real life he saved his neighbor from being raped. He’s very good as diligent Deputy So and So in both the Sinister movies and he’s in the much anticipated Captive State releasing this fall, so he’s definitely on the upswing of his career. One final weird coincidence: he played Eddie in Amazon’s police procedure Bosch in the 2016 season. Trying to capture the hypochondriac who will do anything for his best friend Bill was a challenge for Grazer, and one that he pulled off beautifully; it looks like we will get another great Eddie from Ransone in the next chapter.
Kid Actor: Jaeden Lieberher Adult Actor: James McAvoy
James McAvoy can do no wrong in my book. If you were here for our Halloween shenanigans, you’ll remember that I decided that I would marry his Split character(s)…but mostly because I would marry James McAvoy immediately and with no hesitation. He is sci-fi and horror royalty, with turns as Professor X and all the personalities from Split. He is also white-hot right now with the news of the Split/Unbreakable conclusion Glass coming out January 2019. He literally has played smart, sensitive, scared desk-jockey (Wanted), and furry (The Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe). As the leader of The Losers Club, McAvoy is perfect he already has led an army of mutants into battle, so a couple of adults into a sewer should be no biggie. One of the other important things about Bill’s character will be his interaction with his wife, Audra, and with Bev Rogan. Again, it’s basically physically impossible not to lose your shit over Jessica Chastain, so he’ll probably be good with the whole chemistry thing; the real test will be how he navigates the complexities of the triangle that’s created (if they even take that part of the book into the movie).
Kid Actor: Chosen Jacobs Adult Actor: Isaiah Mustafa
No, these two are not related (that I could find), despite having some striking similarities in features. Mike is the only one of the Losers who stays in Derry after the events of their childhood. He is the one who remembers, who records the history of the town and discovers its dark side. If you are a hard core football fan you know that Mustafa started as a practice squad member of three different NFL teams. He is most widely recognized as the Old Spice Guy, but he is incredible as Luke Garroway on Freeform’s Shadowhunters. His werewolf with a heart of gold and spine of steel is perfect for Mike. The strong silent type never looked so good. It will also be interesting to see if the subplot of racism is explored any more than it was in the first movie, because it’s a huge part of the book.
Kid Actor-Sophia Lillis Adult Actor-Jessica Chastain
Jessica Chastain has no limit to her acting range, it seems. Her performance in The Help shows some of the vulnerability she’ll need to portray Bev Rogan, who escapes her dysfunctional home to become a successful fashion designer. However, her emotional baggage leads her to the exact same home life she tried to get away from with her awful husband, Tom. Bev also manages a lot of moments of important strength, keeping the group together (in a way that’s thankfully cut from the movie). Sophia Lillis did an excellent job of demonstrating the damage caused by her father without becoming too much of a victim. She is a fighter, a survivor, and Lillis is one heck of an actor. Chastain clearly has no trouble with these types of roles, either — in fact, she has a penchant for playing tough as nails beauties in Molly’s Game and Zero Dark Thirty. She can be vulnerable and strong all at the same time, and is as confident among just men as she is among women. She can handle these boys no problem — including you Mr. Pennywise — so watch out.
Kid Actor: Finn Wolfhard Adult Actor: Bill Hader
In terms of what we know about characters and acting styles, this is the best match up. Richie Tozier becomes a successful radio DJ in California, using his many voices as a trademark shtick. Bill Hader has the manic energy tempered with intelligence and a streak of solemnity that perfectly matches Tozier. Wolfhard managed to capture this same clownishness in the first film without losing the important dramatic elements required for the more tense scenes. In terms of the physical match, it’s also great casting; while this photo is older, it’s clear that Hader and Wolfhard bear a significant resemblance to one another, especially when their hair is the same. Both have full lips and malleable faces, which aids their comedic performances; both have also shown that they are fully capable of handling the line between comedy and drama, so this will be a performance not to miss!
There have also been actors signed to the parts of Audra (Bill’s wife), Adrian Mellon (from the grown up Derry), and the grown up Henry Bowers (who is absolutely terrifying in the book, ugh). The excitement never ends! We all float down here! KILL THEM ALL…with entertainment!
What do you think? Which character are you most excited to see? Let us know!
Kati has been writing for Signal Horizon since its creation. She is an instructional coach in the KC area. She loves all forms of storytelling, and cupcakes.