NOS4A2 Season 2 Episode 6 The Hourglass-Review And Recap- Fate Isn’t Fond Of Time
Time is not on Vic, Wayne, and Lou’s side. They will need everyone’s help to save Wayne on NOS4A2 Season 2 Episode 6.
Time is a tricky thing. It does something to gloss over memories we would rather not remember and keep others in crystalline focus forever shining in our eyes. When we are young, we want to hurry up and age. As we get older, we cling to every moment hoping for another day. For The Hourglass, time has become both his greatest weapon and his greatest weakness. An intriguing NOS4A2 Season 2 Episode 6 puts mortality on everyone’s minds. There are some things worse than death.
Given enough time, The Hourglass can accomplish anything. Similar to Allison from The Umbrella Academy, all he needs is an ear to listen to him and a task quick enough to complete before his sand runs out. He is indebted to Charlie Manx because he craves immortality. He is terrified of death. If he helps Manx, he is hoping he will learn his secrets. Another failed murder attempt tipped his hat to Maggie though who has powers of her own.
Maggie and Tabitha have an exciting relationship. Rather than be a cookie-cutter love affair, they are a real partnership. They don’t always agree and argue, but they understand that each has a role to play no matter how dangerous. They make each other stronger. Tabitha worries about Maggie and her tiles because they cause her to have violent seizures. If Maggie could learn to control them, she would be able to act more effectively. One of the things The Hourglass warns Maggie about is her relationship with ordinary people. He cautions her; they may never be able to love her without fearing her and for her. He turns out to be prophetic when Maggie and Tabitha talk after her encounter with The Hourglass. Tabitha is off the case and out of a job, but that won’t stop her from helping Maggie.
It takes one to know one. Maggie recognizes The Hourglass right away in the bar from the flickering lights and palpable energy that he emits. It is a sly way to show their otherworldliness without being kitschy. These two strong creatives bounce energy off each other as if they are magnets trying to escape each other. It is a bizarre and seductive dance they engage in. John The Hourglass is pompous and tricky, while Maggie is determined and strong. He knows what buttons to push top get under her skin just as she knows how to pull him in.
These two were hypnotizing this week. The chemistry was explosive. I found myself holding my breath when they were on screen together. Jakarta Smith(Maggie) is stunning and completely in command, even against someone as charismatic as The Hourglass. Paul Schneider(The Hourglass), who was brilliant in season 1 of Channel Zero as Mike Painter, exudes smarmy confidence. Used to getting what he wants, he has no fear of most people. He thinks his gift makes him irresistible. It may be right for most, but Maggie is not most people. He teaches her how to harness her abilities without seizing because he needs to know if he will cheat death. It is what he fears the most. The one chink in his armor.
When Maggie’s tiles tell him he will die, he becomes unhinged and has a temper tantrum. He doesn’t try to kill Maggie; he just retreats to lick his wounds. Before Maggie can leave with his totem, he guesses her ruse. They fight, and Maggie stabs him. Schneider manages to make the obnoxious man sympathetic in his final seconds as he looks surprised and afraid. As much as he thinks he controls everything, fate is his master, and she is a cruel mistress.

Vic’s family is rallying around her. Chris and Linda McQueen both made mistakes as parents. They willingly admit it, but they aren’t going to abandon her now. Easily the most underappreciated actors on NOS4A2, Virginia Kull(Linda), and Ebon Moss-Bachrach(Chris) perfectly capture the roller coaster ride of parenthood. Being a parent means immense pain and happiness. Your children always surprise you. Sometimes in good ways and others in bad ones. Bringing them back into the fold keeps the focus firmly on what being a caring parent means. It is a way to distinguish Charlie’s parenting versus Vic and companies. Making mistakes is normal; being a monster is not.
The group is banged up but not out. Lou’s heart always in the right place is damaged. A heart attack and fight with Manx last week almost killed him. Manx and The Hourglass tried to kill Vic multiple times, but she is damn near impossible to kill. Chris is tough and handy with a gun. Now that Maggie can control her skills, she is even more valuable to our group. Tabitha is resourceful and tough. Manx may think he has control over his own fate, but The Hourglass proves everyone is vulnerable.
A new potentially strong ally comes to Wayne in the Wraith. Wayne’s biological father Craig may be a ghost, but he could keep Wayne’s humanity alive long enough for Vic to find him. He might also have the ability to tamper Manx’s magic. He can get a call through to Vic. She now knows Wayne is alive but changing. Hopefully, hearing her voice and Craig’s companionship will give Wayne the strength he needs to keep fighting.
Bing was strangely absent this week. In the final moments of NOS4A2 Season 2 Episode 6, he appeared with a nasty surprise for Charlie. The big man feels betrayed by Manx, and he’s coming for what he thinks he is owed. It’s anyone’s guess how Wayne fits into that equation. After what Lou and Chris did to him, he probably isn’t feeling warm and fuzzy about them either Time is running out for Wayne; he’s losing teeth and losing his sweetness. His last final look at that poor butterfly proves even his innocence is no match for The Wraith. Let’s hope Vic and Lou can get her Triumph moving again before it’s too late. If anyone can do it, Lou can. Catch up on all our NOS4A2 coverage here.

As the Managing Editor for Signal Horizon, I love watching and writing about genre entertainment. I grew up with old-school slashers, but my real passion is television and all things weird and ambiguous. My work can be found here and Travel Weird, where I am the Editor in Chief.