Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 2 The Wire Review- It’s All About The Dazzling Duos
Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 2 goes back to basics with a whole lot of hijinks and cuttlefish out of water jokes in an episode that pushes the story forward by leaps.

Welcome to Patience, Colorado, where your neighbors in Jessup are murder-free, young boys have beards, and extraterrestrials have bunkers built to survive an impending extinction-level event. The hilarious sci-fi hit continues with Harry doing what he does best-curse creatively and look out for himself. Unfortunately, in Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 2, that singular focus is thwarted by the real Harry Vanderspeigle’s dirty deeds. It turns out stepping into someone else’s life isn’t as easy as our Harry had hoped. This is especially true when the real Harry was a murdering shady type.
It’s also a problem for Harry, whose human side haunts his dreams. His conscience is catching up to him in the form of dead bodies who come to taunt him. It’s also a problem since we know the real Harry killed Asta’s friend and town doctor. Harry may have a plan to ride out the apocalypse with Asta, his octopus bud, and a butler to be named later in his bunker, but the Sherrif and Deputy Liz are on to him, and he’s running out of time to save the world and himself.
It is bright and shiny to have Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk back together. Mal(Fillion) and Wash(Tudyk) had an undeniable chemistry that comes through in their roles on Resident Alien. It’s even more genius that Wash was often the voice of reason and kindness on Serenity. Now the octopus teases and pokes Harry incessantly about what he is becoming. A series of internal monologues prove Harry isn’t ready to relinquish his alien side, though. He may be feeling guilty, but that doesn’t mean he is willing to stop the new threat or share his bunker with a vegetarian or large father.
Asta’s dad recognizes the importance of nurturing Harry’s human side. The more he gets to know the town, the harder it will be for him to allow them all to be killed. He needs to make more friends, and a poker night with the Sherrif and Mayor Hawthorne is just the thing. Unfortunately, it also gives Deputy Liz and the Sherrif a chance to investigate him further. When Harry’s bluffing skills don’t prove to be as good as he’d hoped, he loses everything and breaks the Hawthorne heirloom. It’s not the last time his bluffing skills are questioned in Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 2.
When Asta brings pizza to the cabin, she finds Harry’s bunker and is less than enthusiastic. She calls his bluff, saying she will electrocute herself if he doesn’t try to contact his home planet. He has no way of doing that right now, but he is resourceful and motivated. It’s doubtful his friends listen, though. What happens when Harry has to choose his people or his human friends? Before he can ponder that, though, the Sherrif and Deputy Liz arrive and find the real Harry’s stash of Botulism used to kill Dr. Hodges. He escapes using one of the balls that allows him to shapeshift into Asta, but he can’t hide forever, especially since he needs to build a radio to phone home.
I don’t understand what the writers are doing with D’Arcy this season. She was tragic but funny in Season 1, but in Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 2, she is relegated to a distraction for Asta. D’Arcy could be a fascinating character that would play nicely against Harry’s bluster, but by having her tandem bike and boat with Asta, it feels like a squandered opportunity. Alice Wetterlund is a good actress that brought to life a character last season I want to watch. Unfortunately, this season she feels rudderless and at times unnecessary. I hope this gets rectified quickly.
We now know why Max is so hairy. Proximity to one of Harry’s space balls causes hormonal fluctuations. Luckily Sahar is willing to do just about anything, including declaring loudly she just farted in the diner to help her friend. With two balls used already, Harry will need that fourth ball, and Max doesn’t need to do any more shaving for a while.
Deputy Liz and Sherrif Mike are quickly growing into show stealers. Corey Reynolds and Elizabeth Bowen have become my favorite duo on television. Their interactions are as hysterical as they are insightful. They are closing in on the truth about the real Harry. Deputy Liz is exceptionally talented but doesn’t even realize how right she was about the absurd things she saw Harry say to Max and Sahar, while Sherrif Mike could not be more cartoonish in the best way possible.
His rich backstory of being a famous sportscaster while Liz raises their three sons, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, is funny enough. However, it becomes even more comical when Liz takes over and makes him the stay-at-home dad while questioning the real estate agent that worked with Harry in the past. Their playful banter and newfound respect for each other are a joy to watch. Through their investigation, we now know Harry planned Dr. Hodges’s murder, and he was having money problems that mysteriously got solved. Sherrif Mike thinks he is a hitman, which would seem ridiculous if not for the uncanny way Liz and Mike have been guessing everything that has happened thus far.
Resident Alien Season 2 Alien 2 has found Deputy Liz and Sherrif Mike’s voices even if they have lost D’Arcy’s. The well-paced episode kept the jokes coming hard and fast and moved the plot ahead light-years. Harry has a lot on his plate now, and it isn’t as delicious as pizza, pie, and chowder. Let’s hope he finds some answers soon. Find all our Resident Alien coverage here, you annoying flesh monkeys.

Stray Squid
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As the Managing Editor for Signal Horizon, I love watching and writing about genre entertainment. I grew up with old-school slashers, but my real passion is television and all things weird and ambiguous. My work can be found here and Travel Weird, where I am the Editor in Chief.