Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 3 Girls Night Review- Harry Feels Like A Natural Woman
Harry learns what it means to be a woman in a joke heavy girl power Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 3.

It’s a man’s world, but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl. Along with many of the men, Harry finds out being a woman is challenging in an equally creative, sweet, and uproarious Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 3. Another day and another Harry talent. Harry has a literal get out of jail free card, and proved his powers of seduction are just as terrible as his nurturing prowess. Oh Harry, may you never run out of ways to make me laugh.
It seems Harry has an endless bag of tricks from which to pull. This doesn’t just help make an adorable character even more unpredictably cute but also narratively gives him an out anytime things get a little hairy(pun intended). Harry can wipe minds Men In Black style or glammer them Shadowhunters style, whichever reference makes more sense to you.
This comes in very handy when Sherrif Mike and Deputy Liv catch him red-handed in the cabin. Instead of escaping, he got caught and used his mental powers to reshape history, at least as far as they are concerned. They are surprisingly intuitive and smart. I have no doubt they will put things together sooner rather than later, especially since we know Liv had a close encounter when she was a child. You know she will figure this out soon and be forced to lie to Mike. But, for now, they think the FBI came and took over the investigation, and the Dead Foot Killer was definitely not Harry.
A genuinely endearing moment comes in Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 3 when Asta asks Harry why he never wiped her mind. He answers with an honest statement about the human condition. He didn’t wipe her or the kids’ minds because “Now I’m not alone anymore.” This simple sentence is a touchstone for the entire series to build from. What does it mean to be human? The longer Harry is in a human body, the more he becomes like us. Unfortunately, that also means making excuses for our bad behavior and rationalizing mistakes(read murder). If Harry killed the real Harry who was a killer, is it that bad? Asta argues yes even if Harry disagrees.
Some funnier moments come from the Mayor and his wife, who present one deadpan joke after another in rapid-fire succession. Mayor Ben(Levi Fiehler) and Kate(Meredith Garretson) are growing on me. In Season 1, I felt their characters didn’t have much to do. However, since the attack at the end of last season, their sexual awakening has been the source of unending jokes. Mayor Ben’s clueless politicking is also ripe with humor. In Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 3, that was combined to give us a commercial for Patience that boasted a “pretty good dentist,” a working phone booth, and meth hospitalizations that are “way down” since pot was legalized. If that wasn’t enough for a chuckle, Max’s inquiry about BDSM kink play gaming was bound to wring a laugh from you.

Kate continued the humorous trend when ladies’ night named Jam 59 gives her a chance to let her inner Kendra out. It also allows for commentary on the nationwide problem of income inequality. It is funny when D’Arcy, in typically innovative and determined style, flings flyers out of a helicopter after being told flyers aren’t allowed even though Max put them up all over town in Season 1. The flyers are wordy and chaotic, much like D’Arcy, but they also reveal a serious problem. Many of the women in town, including Deputy Liv, are woefully underpaid. Crossing guards should not get paid more than a Deputy.
The entire plot beat gave Kate texture as well. She wasn’t always a stay-at-home mother. Not that it isn’t an important job, but it doesn’t fulfill Kate, who was a lawyer. She gave up everything for Ben to move to Patience and support him. All of a sudden, her behavior in the past makes more sense and sets up nicely the looming conflict with D’Arcy. Her kiss with the Mayor last season bothers him because it meant something. Kate admires D’Arcy’s pluck, but she may not feel so positive about her spontaneity when she finds out she was betrayed.
Poor Max is still having testosterone pumped into him at alarming rates. So this week, he gets a crash course in waxing when Sahar has to wax his back, and his voice changes drastically. At first, she tries to be gentle with him, but when she truth bombs him about all the things that women are pressured to do, he responds that his occasional dental hygiene is on par with our constant tweezing, bleaching, shaving, and plumping she rips the wax with glee.
Smart Sahar also figured out what was happening to Max and devised a way to get the upper hand on Harry. When she and Max confront Harry about his deception, he wisely answers with a “Yes, Maam.” Although he doesn’t have as much respect for humanity as a whole as we wished, he has a healthy amount of respect for women, and it comes through in an absurd development with Carlyn.

He initially flirts albeit, in the weirdest way possible that shockingly works for her to gain access to her lab. He realizes that using women isn’t nice. Carlyn is into him because he’s cute in a goofy way, and he’s intellectually on par with her. After Harry woos her with romantic lines bastardized from Casablanca, he puts her into a trance and uses her appearance and key card to break into the lab and steal the part he needs to make his communication device work.
Once inside the lab, Harry experiences firsthand what it’s like to be a woman. Her boss, thinking he is Carlyn gropes her, and Harry tosses him around like a rag doll. Although I applaud what he did, and my high five couldn’t have been better, I worry about the ramifications for Carlyn. All anyone will know is she stole the part and beat up her boss. I need her to come back as she is an excellent foil for Harry, who is just as awkward as she is, and it wouldn’t be fair for her to lose so much in Resident Alien Season 2 Episode 3, which is all about the feminine struggle.
Resident Alien works because of the heart at the center of the story. Sherrif Mike was hard on Deputy Liv because he was mourning another partner and couldn’t find a way to trust again. Kate needs something fulfilling in her life outside of being a mother and wife. Harry should be an unfeeling, emotionless alien, but he’s been transformed by his time in a human body and his relationships with Asta and Max. D’Arcy is fun to watch because she is a tragic mess that wreaks of redemption. It’s the universal humanity in Harry that ties everything together. As ridiculous as his actions and goofy as his faces, the “Wash” in Harry is what keeps us coming back. Find all our Resident Alien coverage here.
Stray Squid:
- Harry, you should know better than to pitch evidence into a trash can after watching Law and Order so religiously. Detective Briscoe would be disgusted with you.
- I’m not embarrassed to say I am intrigued by this ice sexual device.
- Mayor Ben and Sherrif Mike make strange Brohams who have the potential to pay substantial comedic dividends down the road. More, please!
- Beautiful stupid ET should never have been experimented on by those government goons. I cry at that scene every time. So that reminds me, what’s happening to Doctor Ethan?
- Carlyn’s lab security and her lady bits are the funniest “that’s what she said” jokes I’ve heard in ages. The lab and her hoo-haw are both tight and tough to get into. Comedy gold!

As the Managing Editor for Signal Horizon, I love watching and writing about genre entertainment. I grew up with old-school slashers, but my real passion is television and all things weird and ambiguous. My work can be found here and Travel Weird, where I am the Editor in Chief.