Servant Season 2 Episode 8 Loveshack Review- Secrets, Songs, And A Scary Other She
Shattered windows, cracked foundation, peeling wallpaper, and tin roof rusted. Welcome to Servant Season 2 Episode 8 Loveshack.
The Dorothy and Sean show has given way to Leanne and Julian, who, let’s face facts, is just about the most fascinating couple on television. For all those who shipped Juanne, this is your time. Servant Season 2 Episode 8 brought the goods in a big way. It also left us with one jaw-dropping question. Who is the other “she”?
Uncle George and Leanne are still inexplicably at the house. They are no longer under lock and key, so why are they still there, especially after the event of Marino. I’m constantly surprised by the sheer audacity of the storytelling. Showrunner Terry Basgallop has literary thrown the rules into the air. He has created characters and storylines that defy logic and still keep us so intrigued it verges on obsession.
Uncle George has stayed because he hasn’t seen his Betamax tape/killed Leanne yet. His behavior, which has always veered more absurd than traditional, is downright terrifying in Servant Season 2 Episode 8. Between sharpening knives and ugly crying worse than even the most distraught adolescent girl who had just been dumped, George found time to collect a menagerie of tchotchkes, set fires, and beat his head against the wall. He was creepy in Season 1. He is shocking Season 2. Until that is, he is reduced to a sniveling mess when Leanne turned the tables.
Dorothy and Sean find themselves doing what they do best, pretending. Roscoe comes to visit, and the pair invite him into the house, but he refuses. Initially, that might seem normal for Sean, who knows what he has been through. For Dorothy, this should have been very odd behavior. She is delusional, however, and instead sits right down on the snow-covered couch in the backyard. It is indicative of Dorothy’s personality as a whole. She can’t see the forest for the trees. She is right; a journalist knows every detail regardless of how small; however, she doesn’t seem to have the ability to apply that to her own life. Roscoe has nothing to say and no purpose for being there. It is freezing outside and snowing heavily, yet he wants to stay outside. It isn’t until way too late does she get the whole story.
The Church of Lesser Saints has recruited Roscoe. He was scared of them when we last saw him. Now he is a believer and says they asked him for one small favor. Keep the Turners out of the house until sundown. He doesn’t know why he feels better but attributes it to Aunt May and Uncle George. He claims they aren’t like ordinary people. They are better somehow. Are they angels or demons? In the end, it doesn’t matter because Leanne can handle anything George tries.
A wealth of secrets came flooding out between Julian and Leanne. These two may have more layers than any other character despite initially appearing like the most simplistic. Leanne’s mother was horrible. She was a brittle cruel woman who wanted nothing more than a trophy daughter. A shiny crown jewel to point to but ultimately ignore. When Leanne failed to live up to that image, she used a stronger hand, presumably on Leanne herself. Things came full circle when Dorothy and Leanne’s news footage was shown again when she was a child beauty pageant contestant. This time by a furious Leanne.
There is no more speculation; Leanne burned her house down and killed her family. She did it out of anger and desperation to get attention from her absentee mother. She only intended to burn her mother’s beloved green dress. Instead, she burned down the whole house. She was a child who needed love, and Uncle George and Aunt May appeared to pull her out of the ashes and give her some. That love came at a steep price, though—no music, no pleasure, and definitely no love. Leanne is tired of being someone else’s pawn, though, and tonight, she took as much as she gave.
Julian is lured to her like a moth to a flame. This was a much different Julian in Servant Season 2 Episode 8. He has been stripped of his swagger, and all that is left is bone-deep remorse. Rupert Grint’s Julian has been a fan favorite for his snark, but he solidified our appreciation for his acting skills for his vulnerability. He feels rudderless and useless to help. It is a feeling he is used to as we come to find out. He tries to investigate Leanne’s fire but ultimately finds all his answers with Leanne herself.
We finally know what his part was in Jericho’s death. Dorothy called him begging for help when she became tired and overwhelmed. Instead of coming to help, he bought drugs and checked out for four days, leaving his sister alone with a dead infant.
Julian blames himself because he ignored Dorothys call for help when Jericho died. He didn’t come because he was enjoying what his dealer provided. She was alone with Jericho’s dead body for four days. When you bottle up secrets and pretend they never happened, it destroys you. That is precisely what happened to Julian. His bravado is only for show. It is his mask. It hides the shame and sorrow he feels. When he and Leanne connect, it releases all the pent-up emotion, and he finally lets go. In essence, she healed him as much as George healed Sean’s hand.
George’s attack on Leanne was unsuccessful. The meek girl from Season 1 has been replaced by a confidant woman who doesn’t care what the Church thinks. Will her newfound strength be their saving or their demise? We have seen Leanne do cruel things before. She callously poisoned a little girl, so watching as George gets runs down is no big thing. After setting fire to the rug and standing up to George, he runs out and into the street. Did she cause his accident, or was it just bad timing, and how did the fire go out so fast?
The music was just as eclectic as the strange assortment of culinary delights, ostentatious settings, and enigmatic characters. Impossibly The B-52’s Love Shack seamlessly shared space with the haunting original The Sky Cries by Saleka. This series is meticulous in style, writing, costuming, set design, and performance. Music is no different.
There is a reunion coming. It will happen when the clock turns. Who is reuniting with who? I can almost guarantee it won’t be the reunion Dorothy is hoping for but something altogether less positive. The bell is tolling. For whom it tolls, we don’t know, but she is coming, and everyone should be scared. Find all our Servant coverage here.
Stray Straw
- George’s assortment of items includes a chair leg, pencils, and a wooden Mr. Bill doll.
- The Church of Lesser Saints holds the lesser saints in regard. These include St. Casimir of Poland, the patron saint of bachelors, St. Alexis of Rome, the patron saint of beggars, and St. Margaret of Antioch, who is the patron saint of childbirth.
- Some things never change, and as much as Dorothy tries to be a respected person, she can’t help who she is. It is not reasonable to ask a delivery man to bring a Betamax player in the middle of a blizzard. Even one from the midwest.
- We got another weird news story this week. This one spoils Santa Claus for children and intimates that Santa is a device to create manipulative, unappreciative cretins.
- Sean’s hand is healed, which is good news, but what will it cost him?
- What did George do with the meat from the fridge, and why did one of the portions look like a face in the reflection?
- How is Leanne still living in the attic with snow coming in and frigid temperatures?

As the Managing Editor for Signal Horizon, I love watching and writing about genre entertainment. I grew up with old-school slashers, but my real passion is television and all things weird and ambiguous. My work can be found here and Travel Weird, where I am the Editor in Chief.