Silo Episode 8 Hanna Explained- Everything Is About To Change
Apple TV+’s hit show is only getting better. Season 1 is building to a climax that will change everything. Before we get there though, Juliette is in serious trouble. She may have run out of allies, time, and luck. The Silo always wins. They have been telling us as much since the very beginning. The deck is stacked against everyone that isn’t on the inside. Everyone is being watched and listened to constantly. There is no hiding, and rebellion will not be tolerated. Juliette has threatened all of that. Sheriff Holston and Alison didn’t want things to come to this when they asked to clean. They were hoping to expose the truth. Instead, they ended up dead. By the end of Silo Episode 8, Juliette is in real danger of following them.

Who is Hanna in Silo Episode 8?
Another flashback-heavy episode begins with Juliette’s mother’s story. Hanna was a gifted medical doctor and a visionary. She was the kind of curious mind that definitely shouldn’t have been allowed to have children. She wasn’t content to accept the rules without reason and wouldn’t sit by and do nothing when she could put her mind to good use. Her magnifying glass could save lives like Juliette’s brother’s if he had lived. No one can explain why magnification is against the Pact anyway.
She smuggles a sick rabbit out of agriculture by trading with the farmer and uses it to test her new tool. She thinks she could use the magnifier to fix the rabbit’s heart, thus proving its usefulness. Unfortunately, Judicial arrives and begins trashing the place, looking for the magnifier. Hanna thinks her husband turned him in, but we now know he had nothing to do with it. Judicial spied on everyone, and they saw what Hanna had been doing through the camera.
When Hanna produced and put together the tool, which was amazing, by the way, they destroyed it and demanded the rabbit. They lied and said it died. Juliette had kept it in her room in a box and later brought it to ag, where she released it. Juliette never forgave her father for her mother’s death, and neither did he. Even though he didn’t report on her, he felt he should have done more. That’s why he let Juliette go to Mechanical when she was a child. He thought her curiosity and anger would be better used there where she wouldn’t be frustrated and eventually become hopeless like Hanna.
In the present time, things are not looking good for Juliette. They know she knows all about the cameras and has the hard drive. Gloria tells Sims about the hard drive, and he rewards her by ordering her pumped full of drugs and imprisoned in medical until she dies. Armed with that information, he ransacks the sheriff’s office and apartment. Billings tries to stop him citing violations in Pact law, but he is ignored. Billings has proven himself to be much more than a company yes-man. He has much to lose with a family and an illness that he is hiding, but he is a good man. The two of them go to Janitorial and arrest Sims. This doesn’t sit well with him, and before Silo Episode 8 is over, Sims is out, and Juliette is switching places with him.
In Silo Episode 8, Juliette does everything possible to alert more people to the truth. She tells her dad about the surveillance and shows Lukas the camera when he doesn’t believe her fantastical claims. She shows him the hard drive and the camera, but he can’t take a chance on her yet. He has an elderly Mom to look out for and is understandably scared. Before he can truly make a decision, Juliette runs and encourages him to do the same.
After Bernard finds Juliette trying to get down to Walker without having her bag checked, he intercedes. Juliette trusts him, and he rewards that trust by double-crossing her. I have been saying for a while that Bernard is bad news. He is playing the long game and has all the information he needs to do it. He says all the right things until he shows his fangs. Bernard slipped up by mentioning the hard drive, and Juliette knows he was behind it all. He is the one Judge Meadows is so afraid of. He and Sims lie and say Juliette said she wants to go outside. As she is being escorted to jail, she and Billings urgently confer. She notices he is shaking badly and takes that opportunity to jump over the side of the stairs.
The juxtaposition of Juliette being scared and wanting to run and the rabbit who was frightened but spared and running is not missed by me. Assuming she survives the leap over the side, she is on the run now. Her friends in Mechanical will help her if they can, but Walker has limitations of her own. Hopefully, new allies Billings and potentially Lukas will come through for her. She will need all the help she can get.
Billings has a lot to lose. His tremors are getting worse, and not only will he be locked up, but his child might also be locked up or killed. This condition is strictly forbidden in the Silo. Procreation is especially prohibited as they don’t want to pass on the condition and infect the entire population. He sides with Juliette initially, but later, when Bernard and Sims have the upper hand, he has to try to be diplomatic.
Is Juliette dead?
Almost certainly not. I know where this is headed, and if Silo Season 1 uses the clear breaking points from the novels, in the next two weeks, Juliette will find herself in the scariest but most illuminating position ever. Everything is about to be broke wide open. They may think the Silo always wins, but life always finds a way. You can only keep people down so long before they rebel. I sense a rebellion coming, and not even Bernard and Sims will be able to stop it. Find all our Silo coverage here.

As the Managing Editor for Signal Horizon, I love watching and writing about genre entertainment. I grew up with old-school slashers, but my real passion is television and all things weird and ambiguous. My work can be found here and Travel Weird, where I am the Editor in Chief.