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6 Souls Ending Explained- What Happens To Sammy, Who Is Christian Moore, And What Is Granny?

6 Souls has good elements, even if the result isn’t as promising as the pieces. Dr. Cara is asked to examine Adam, a young man suspected of having DID, previously referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder. She quickly determines that something much stranger is going on and becomes entangled in something she can’t explain.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers(Adam) is a talented, if troubled, actor. Julianne Moore(Dr. Cara) is always reliable, and what could have been a skewering indictment of the legal system or even a character study of a woman dealing with grief and pain, as in Babadook, is just a possession story. Moore’s Cara, an atheist despite her declarations otherwise, is argued to be getting what she deserved. Whether you believe that or not, 6 Souls has a few tricks up its bleak leave. Here’s everything you need to know about the ending of 6 Souls, whether Adam was possessed and by who. What happens to Sammy, and who is Granny?

At just over the halfway mark of a nearly two-hour-long movie, you know what is happening and likely what will happen. It makes for a decidedly long back half with more parlor tricks than answers. Cara hunts down information and finds multiple personalities of Adam’s. All are dead. After finding Adam’s other personalities, David, Charles, Wes, and Adam, dead, she finally begins questioning what is happening. At the urging of David’s mother, she visits a woman called the Granny.

Granny uses a young girl to see for her and performs a ritual on an older man. Granny warns Cara there are things in this world she can’t explain, and faith is the only thing that can save her. All the victims that seem trapped in Adam lost their faith. Some never had any, to begin with, and others lost their faith because of tragedies and abuse. As a result, they were all easy prey for the entity we later find out is Reverend Moore.

6 Souls

Who is Reverend Christain Moore?

Reverend Christian Moore was a charlatan who convinced an entire town to turn their backs on their faith courtesy of Granny and the Mountain spirits. During the Influenza pandemic of 1918, he promised salvation through his religion. He offered his children, who were immune to the disease, as proof, and one by one, the town converted to his perverted form of religion. What they didn’t know is he didn’t have faith at all, and his children had been immunized. In anger, Granny turned against him and sucked his soul out of his body, and stuffed his mouth with dirt to prevent its return. She additionally carved a strange cross into his chest. From this point forward, he has been stalking and stealing lost souls. Granny condemned him to become a shelter for the “Faithless,” and that is what he was.

The man who initially presented himself as Adam, later David, Wes, then Charles, Cara’s father, and finally her daughter was Christain Moore. Refusing to let her daughter and the rest of the lost souls remain trapped in Moore, she killed him, presumably releasing everyone stuck inside. In the final moments, her daughter seems to wake back up but begins humming the same song David had written and was heard earlier in the film. She asks, “Sammy? As the credits roll.

Who was in Sammy’s body at the end of 6 Souls?

At first, Cara is ecstatic to have her daughter back. She thinks that by killing Moore, she somehow released Sammy’s soul into her body to live again. Unfortunately, the song she hums at the end paints a much darker picture. Three possibilities are plausible. The first is the best possible outcome. Sammy returns from the grave but retains some of the other personality’s memory from her brief time trapped in Moore. As a result, she knows the song and hums it to provide comfort after her traumatic experience. The song was a source of comfort to David, and it might be considered that for Sammy now. If she has David’s memories, though, she might have the others as well, and that is terrible news. This little girl will need a lot of therapy.

The second possibility is only David came back into Sammy’s body. He was arguably the most religious of the group and only lost his faith searching for a medical remedy for his paralysis. This would be sad for Cara but ultimately not catastrophic as he was never a killer or demon. Arguments for this point at the song Sammy hummed at the end and his mother’s view of her son.

The final possibility is that Moore and all the other souls are now inside Sammy’s body. Granny’s magic is ancient and powerful, and it is likely her spell couldn’t be broken by simply killing Moore. If Sammy is now Moore and all the rest, then she is no longer a child but the next soul taker. This means the cycle may never end, and Cara is forced to watch as her daughter lives alongside other desperate souls.

Why is the movie called 6 Souls?

The movie was originally named Shelter after the vessel that Granny showed Cara during the ritual. Inside that vessel are the dark souls of all those that Granny has removed from her flock. The vessel provides shelter for every one with faith from those evil spirits who want to pervert them. When Cara begs her for help, she refuses because she says Sammy lacks faith. Without faith and hope, there was nothing she could do. It is similar to believing that if you aren’t afraid of something, it has no power over you; without Sammy’s believing Granny’s magic could save her, it wouldn’t work. Moore is also referred to as shelter for the faithless. In his case, shelter means prison.

The film is called 6 Souls because of the number of souls inside Moore. He had Adam, David, Wes, Charles, Cara’s Father, and Sammy. It is also a nod to the fact that all six are probably trapped together for eternity. One question remains, though. Why did Moore return now to harvest souls? Why didn’t he return years ago?

Who Is Granny?

Granny is a faith healer and the spiritual center of a rural community. She has magical, unexplainable powers and is the person who made Christian Moore a soul eater in 1918. Granny is deeply devoted to her flock, and her disciples are incredibly loyal. She may have been able to help Sammy had there been faith. She is a vengeful person who shouldn’t be underestimated. We never learn how she got her power and what exactly her religion consists of.

Ironically, the one person who was presented as the hardliner was spared. Even after losing her husband to murder, Cara had not lost her faith. She may have lost faith in humanity, which is why she was so quick to condemn most criminals who she interviewed, but she had not lost faith in a higher power. I wonder what losing her father, brother, and daughter to a hypocritical madman will do to her. Granny thinks those trapped find shelter together, but Sammy doesn’t seem very secure. Will that eventually break Cara’s resolve, and she will become Moore’s next victim?

The psychological thriller starring Julianne Moore and Jonathan Rhys Meyers is over a decade old, but thanks to Tubi, it is getting a whole new fan base. Critically panned, it has its moments, but an overly wrought back half and an underdeveloped Granny plot beat render it less than it could be.