Season 3 Episode 12 The Horror Pod Class: Black Mountain Side with Scott R Jones
Hey Everybody. Class is in session and we have a doozy of a movie. Orrin, Tyler and Scott talk about the very weird Black Mountain Side, Alien Architecture and torn Achilles tendons. Its uhmmmm….pretty gross.
What are we watching:
Scott: Shout, Kill, Revel, Repeat Scott’s newest book
Orrin: In Fabric
Tyler: Automation, Watchmen, Black Christmas
Dark Corners of the web:
Scott’s super fun post apocalyptic story Last Stand at Cougar Annie’s. Read it here.
Discussing Black Mountain Side
Watch it on Amazon or Tubi.
Summary: Rotten Tomatoes summary: Canada’s remote wilderness becomes a chilly catalyst for terror as a group of archaeologists uncover a strange structure buried in the snow. As paranoia and mistrust take hold, the researchers turn on each other, encouraged by visions of a mysterious figure lurking at the fringes of the woods. Is the terror real or a hallucination? Whatever they’ve unleashed is a powerful force they may never comprehend…if they survive.
Essential Questions to be Answered
- What is the Alien Artifact and Architecture trope?
2. What did we think of the Creature Design? It looks like a taxidermy deer maybe.
3. What is Cosmic Horror and is Black Mountain Side an example?
Extra Credit: Here is a video of Kevin Durant snapping his Achilles. Be warned its gross.
Next Episode: Black Christmas new and old and the concept of subtext
Tyler has been the editor in chief of Signal Horizon since its conception. He is also the Director of Monsters 101 at Truman State University a class that pairs horror movie criticism with survival skills to help middle and high school students learn critical thinking. When he is not watching, teaching or thinking about horror he is the Director of Debate and Forensics at a high school in Kansas City, Missouri.