Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 3 The First Blow Review- Tailies Never Quit And Never Surrender
The dogs of war are unleashed in a thrilling Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 3 that reunites all our major players and has them heading for greener pastures.

It’s a tale of two leaders in Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 3. The two men in charge of Snowpiercer and Big Alice could not be more different. One is kind and benevolent, while the other is a selfish megalomaniac. Layton has Big Alice in his sights. The larger, slower train is at a disadvantage. Two, in fact, if you consider Wilfiord’s battle strategy. Wilford doesn’t care how significant the casualties are as long as he wins. He would sacrifice every last person as long as he was the victor. His myopic view of leadership is about power and control, and it will be his undoing. He, unfortunately, forgets if he has no one left to lead, he is no longer a leader.
Layton, by contrast, believes in his team. He may not like everyone aboard Snowpiercer, but they aren’t disposable pawns to him. The biggest difference is Layton values every life on board the two trains. He also still has faith that they can positively affect the world around them. It’s interesting that a Tailie who has seen the absolute worst in people still believes most will do the right thing. Wilford, who has known nothing but luxury and power, believes in only himself because he is a monster. He knows nothing but monstrous behavior. For him, the people on board are pieces to be played or resources to be used.
Kevin is his human attack dog. He is vicious, and when he is tasked with finding out who is loyal to Layton and Ruth’s group, he elects to torture them. Strong boy bravely accepts the torture, but Kevin isn’t content with freezing a few fingers, and he ultimately kills him. All of this while LJ and Oz look on. LJ enjoys the show, but Oz is repulsed. Not only does he not like the violence, but he is worried that they are on the wrong side of this war. These two are being set up as star-crossed lovers. Oz’s sensitive side is in direct conflict with LJ’s sociopathic one.
The two men square off, each running dark, playing cat and mouse. Wilford derails two cars forcing Layton to eject them, and Layton devises a tricky plan that uses Wilford’s weaknesses against him. Ruth and Pike use Wilford’s egotism to alert Layton of their position. The completely unnecessary fireworks Wilford ordered on board were put to good use. It’s a nice bit of irony that is likely lost on him. His ego will always be his Achilles heel. Whether it be Audrey, Alex, or the spectacle of civility on the train, Wilford can’t control his impulse to flex.
Wilford loves Audrey, and her distraction gives Josie and Layton time to spring their trap. Josie scares them into Wilford’s living quarters, and Layton sneaks up from behind. The battle is over before it has hardly begun. Wilford appears truly shocked as Layton beats him, forces him to concede publicly, and imprisons him. The man is beaten but has some fight left and chooses to torment Josie. He is sowing the seeds of discord.
Wilford lacks understanding about those aligned with him and those he considers enemies. He thinks he has Zarah because she is a cipher. Wilford will never understand that she is an opportunist that is just as calculating as he is. He also underestimates the lengths that LJ will go to survive. She loves the attention and is fascinated by violence, but she wants to keep herself and Oz safe in the end. When it is obvious Wilford has lost, she gives Oz a chilling smile, tells him she loves him, and kills Kevin. It’s a satisfying end for Kevin and Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 3 is an excellent showcase for Annaliese Basso’s(LJ) talent. She has taken what could be a one-dimensional character and made her interesting and unpredictable.
At the end of the day, only the people you sing for matter, says Audrey. Even if it comes from Audrey, there’s a poetic truth in that statement. Layton has his team and Zarah. Bess has Roche, who she rescued from the drawers only to find that his wife died. The mentor and father figure to Bess will have a hard time reconciling what happened. Ben and Javi have each other, but Javi will need help to get back a little of what he has lost. He is broken but still standing and proved he is on their side.
Josie has her team but is hurt by Layton’s relationship. She feels alone and betrayed but is on their side now. Hopefully, she finds her place and a person to love. Perhaps Ben? Ruth has an unexpected relationship blooming with Pike, and a deep friendship with Layton built on trust and respect. Alison Wright(Ruth) and Daveed Diggs(Layton) have an undeniable chemistry that feels warm and earned rather than contrived.
Asha agrees to lie for Layton, but she is fragile. She tells everyone aboard Snowpiercer that she comes from New Eden, a place with trees and grass to help convince them to vote to go to Africa. Can she keep the lie going on this train that is so stressful? What happens if Wilford gets his hooks into her. He has a way of using weakness against people. Questions persist about who she is and what she endured. The official story is marauders, but what if that is only part of the story? Something happened to Asha that has shaken her to her core. She hints to Layton that they are at war with Wilford, making him do things he will regret. Most would argue they already have.
What’s one more lie to keep hope alive. If Layton is correct and they find a hot zone, the lie and the gamble will be worth it. If he is wrong, though, he might lose everything, including the trust of those he cares about the most. For now, his new democratic train is headed to Africa. It’s what Melanie would have wanted. Let’s hope it was all worth it. Either way, Wilford is bad for the train, and it couldn’t continue with him in charge. By the end of Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 3, Wilford is locked up, and the train is headed on a collision course with destiny. Find all our Snowpiercer coverage here.
Stray Icicles
- By far the best line of the entire season goes to Pike. His “Tailies have long memories and win wars” is a battle cry if I ever heard one.
- What did Asha have to do to survive?
- Will LJ be punished for killing Kevin and will Oz ever get a chance to sing? I just know he has a great voice. Maybe House Of The Rising Sun?
- What will Layton do when he finds out Zarah let their baby be experimented on?

As the Managing Editor for Signal Horizon, I love watching and writing about genre entertainment. I grew up with old-school slashers, but my real passion is television and all things weird and ambiguous. My work can be found here and Travel Weird, where I am the Editor in Chief.