The Horror Pod Class Episode 143: Anatomy (2000)

Tyler: Hey everybody this is Tyler Unsell and…
Orrin: This is Orrin Grey
Tyler: And Welcome to The Horror Pod Class
Tyler: Every two weeks Orrin and I get to gather to discuss how our featured horror movie might be used in the classroom.tonight we visit Bodies The Exhibition not in a museum but rather at a messed up medical school in Heideblberg as we dissect the 2000 movie Anatomy.
What are we watching?
Orrin: Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City
Tyler: Wyrmwood Apocalypse: Also new Blu of Lake Mungo WITH ALL KINDS OF COOL SHIT FROM SECOND SIGHT. Also Covering Overlook in New Orleans. It will be a hoot.
Essential Question: Does Anatomy address the moral and ethical concerns surrounding illegal experimentation.
A cute med student starts a summer course at Heidelberg University. David’s on her dissection table. She met him the day before on the train. Something’s wrong.
Directed by
Writing Credits (in alphabetical order)
Peter Engelmann | … | (dramaturge) |
Stefan Ruzowitzky |
Cast (in credits order) verified as complete
This is cool: Someone put up the media kit for bodies the exhibition.
Anatomie 2: Straight to DVD
“Anatomie 2″ further explores concerns raised in “Anatomie” about the pressures on medical schools to maintain prestige by winning international prizes as well as research grants from pharmaceutical giants.
4 Corners
Tyler: Splice (from reddit “Should I fuck my mutant kid I’ve been abusing its entire life?”
A dilemma for the ages)
GULP: The Human Centipede?
Orrin: The Crimson Rivers (2000), Nightwatch (either Danish 1994 or English 1997)
Next time on The Horror Pod Class, Someone is Watching Me.

Tyler has been the editor in chief of Signal Horizon since its conception. He is also the Director of Monsters 101 at Truman State University a class that pairs horror movie criticism with survival skills to help middle and high school students learn critical thinking. When he is not watching, teaching or thinking about horror he is the Director of Debate and Forensics at a high school in Kansas City, Missouri.