Westworld Season 3 Episode 3 The Absence of Field Recap and Review
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Charlotte climbs up an embankment after the robot massacre and manages to record a message to Nathan Hale. We see her immediately getting reborn as a robot. A voice tells her to bring herself online. She is freaking out. Dolores tells her to relax and focus and to remember who she is. Charlotte remembers who she is but she is crying. If I had to guess Charlotte is Teddy. Interesting twist. It also tells you Tessa Thompson is a badass. We see a number of different Pearls. Each representing a person. Dolores brought back Bernard as well. Dolores tells Charlotte/Teddy they are running out of time. Charlotte/Teddy wants to know where she is going. Dolores tells her home.
We start out in San Francisco. Charlotte is at Delos HQ. We see a hardcore looking riot control robot. It’s freaking gigantic. We also hear Delos is losing customers because of the Westworld incident. We also learn that there is a covert movement to control the company. An entity has slowly bought stock and now command thirteen percent of the company.
Back with Dolores and Caleb. The paramedics are having trouble treating Dolores because you know she is a freaking robot. Caleb takes over. But just as they are treating her the police pull the ambulance over, and he tells Dolores they are here for her. Caleb insists on ID. The cops open fire and in the fight that ensues one of them gets away and the other gets stabbed by Dolores. She then picks up the dead body and uses it to start the car that the fake cops drove. Dolores tells him he needs a new name. She tells him the less he knows of her the better, and she drives away leaving him on the street surrounded by dead paramedics and cops.
Charlotte is looking outside the Delos HQ. The same woman who told her about the hostile takeover (her name is Irene) is talking to her about the guy who is trying to take over the company. He is virtually invisible. His name is Sirak. They are worried that now that they have identified him shit is going to get real.
Charlotte gets out of the Uber on Fremont Street and looks at an app that seems to be transferring data on her phone. She makes her way up to an apartment on one of the top levels. She meets Jake. He calls her Charlie. She immediately starts kissing him. This seems unexpected but if I was in a women’s body I guess I would want to do it. They are all hot in heavy, but they pull back when Jake tells her that she forgot to pick up their son. Oof. She goes into his room, and he asks her if she will take him to see a real elephant. She reminds him they all died. Double Ooof. He then tells her that she is not his real mommy and that she doesn’t really love him. It all stems from their divorce. He is a cute kid though. Before he falls asleep he says. “I want my old mommy back”. Triple ooof.
The next morning two workers are talking about the hostile buyout. They tell Charlotte someone is stealing assets. They show her a picture of Maeve. Maeve was stolen and it was inside job. Charlotte mentions there is a mole. The two businessmen are very worried.
The next scene opens on a badass building design that seems mostly an urban forest. Charlotte continues to hurt herself and is trying to call Dolores. She cannot get a hold of her. Dolores eventually gets there. Charlotte tells her she is freaking out and shows her all the cuts she has made on her arm. She is melting down. Charlotte wants to know who she really is. Dolores orders her to turn off her emotions and then rents a room at the hotel. She takes Dolores up to the room and heals all of her wounds (there are a lot of them). Teddy tells her that Charlotte keeps trying to get out. Dolores tells her that she needs to learn how to survive. Charlotte tells her about Sirak and the mole inside of Delos. Dolores tells her that they will find and kill Sirak and that they need to offer a counter bid to fend off the takeover. But to do that they need to visit an old friend. Teddy wants assurance that things won’t always be like this. She puts Teddy to bed and tells him not to hurt himself anymore. She lays with him.
Caleb pulls out his phone and realizes he is now on the run as a notification comes up on his phone. He visits his mother and says his goodbyes. She does not recognize him. On the way out of the hospital, two guys with guns meet him. They are guns for hire, and they ask him about the girl. He denies her existence and they take him in.
The doors shut and Dolores finishes getting ready in the hotel room. She is now gathering data on Caleb. The head of security turned Dolores’s robot tells her he is in trouble.
The two hired guns are threatening to push him off a ledge. They pull him back in and use a tool to turn some sort of mechanism in his mouth on. It makes him scream. A construction worker robot tries to save him. They throw the robot off the ledge. They turn some dials up and his heart begins to beat quickly. Dolores shows up and kills both of them, and he slows his heart rate back down by turning down the dial.

The next morning Dolores and Caleb walk down the street. She mentions they have some time and tells him that she will buy him breakfast.
Charlotte wakes up and heads into work. One of the businessmen provides her a video of her saying goodbye to her son during the Westworld massacre. It’s a brutal scene. Her assistant interrupts her and tells her she is running late. Later in the day she is walking outside and tries to call someone on the phone. She runs across Nathan and a weird stranger and his dog. She knows a predator when she sees one. She tells Nathan to go run inside to get his stuff and is starts to choke out the creepy stranger. Oh shit Charlotte might actually be the man in black. Now that would be rad and unexpected. She kills the man and steals the dog.
At the breakfast place, Dolores and Caleb sit down. Dolores orders exactly what Caleb usually gets. It’s a trick of big data. She pulls out a tablet and hands him a scan of a letter. It’s a letter he wrote about how his mother left him at the diner years ago. Dolores knows exactly what happened. She asks him if he is mad. He says he is enraged. He wants to know how she knows his worst memory. She tells him its Insight. Insight’s computer knows everything because they are using all of this data to build a digital copy of this world. To know what people are so that they can let them become something else.
The two of them walk down a pier. He wants to know why they are on the pier. She tells him that this is where he will most likely kill himself in ten to twelve years. He says no way, but she shows him his statistics, and she tells him they deck is stacked against him. HOLY SHIT Westworld is going full Marx here, and I am totally down for this. Dolores tells him they put him in a cage and made decisions about him. She then tells him they did the same for her. Dolores is interested in him because he made a choice that went against what she thought he would do. He can run, and she will help him, or he can stay and help her lead a revolution by cutting the data cord. He says she is the first real thing that has happened to him in a long time. The man who builds the system will not go down without a fight and Caleb is down for the fight. At least he gets to decide how he dies.
Charlotte is back listening to the video she made her son. She is sitting in her office at Delos at night. In the video, she tells Nathan none of it matters. She sings him “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine”. Charlotte who is watching the video starts to cry. She gets in a car and in her phone, she enters a passcode using the notes of the song. Someone answers the phone, and she tells the person on the other end she wants to meet. Immediately the car locks itself and drives her to a giant mansion. A woman greats her and puts glasses on her. Its Sirak. He is not really there. He asks her if she forgot their deal. Sirak wants the rest of the data. She tells him she did her job. All the data is out there and the key is in Dolores. He tells her she has little time and disappears and the episode concludes.

Tyler has been the editor in chief of Signal Horizon since its conception. He is also the Director of Monsters 101 at Truman State University a class that pairs horror movie criticism with survival skills to help middle and high school students learn critical thinking. When he is not watching, teaching or thinking about horror he is the Director of Debate and Forensics at a high school in Kansas City, Missouri.