Westworld Season 3, Episode 6, Decoherence Recap and Review
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Last time we checked in with our favorite terminators they were revealing every human’s preordained futures. From the recap, it looks like a Maeve heavy episode.
Fields of gold and Maeve walking hand and hand with her daughter. It looks like wheat that changes slowly into wide open grassland. Maeve comments this is not right and Serak walks into the picture. He tells her that it could be right if she played by the rules. She knew it must be him as he is the only one who would use stolen memories (I mean on this show EVERYONE does that thing). Maeve tells Serak that what she really wants is what Dolores has, HELP. Serak agrees but only before threatening her with a terrible future. Nice.
Nazi Germany again as Maeve wakes up in the same dress and haircut she started the season in. She walks to the massacre of the french resistance. She tells the Nazis she knows who the partisans are. She makes all of the nazis lower their weapons and proceeds to use them as training dummies as they run at her one at a time.
Tonight’s post-opening credit’s scene is a self-help group. There is a doctor surrounded by patients in white. One patient is talking about his depression and how God will help him get over it. The man in black….errrr in white now, discusses how believing in God is naive he then espouses a viewpoint that makes Thomas Ligotti looks upbeat. He can only be described as an anti-natalist now. He tells them we are only here to service chaos. His words “we are maggots”.
Later he is itching the hand that is missing two fingers and having a private conversation with the doctor. She wants to know what happened to his daughter. He tells her no. She recommends some new sort of therapy. Her cell phone is going off every two seconds. He tells her he doesn’t need therapy to confront the truth. He was confused and turned around but knows exactly what he did. William tells the doctor he belongs in a pine box. We see her phone which says something like her husband is leaving her, and she is losing her medical license. She quickly leaves the room crying.
They are taking DNA and blood samples from a well-secured Man in White/Black. They then insert a medical device into the roof of his mouth. The nurses then announce an hour at the dessert oasis will calm him down. We see one of the analysis machines indicates he has an unknown protein. Later a very out of it Man in Black sees the doctor hang herself.
We get the divergence circle announcing our return to San Francisco. Shit has gone to hell in a handbasket as people are really pissed about knowing their futures. It’s almost like once you lift the veil of capitalism…errrr big data people would get angry because they live so other people can profit off of them. Charlotte picks up her son and drops him off with her husband. She asks him if he read his profile. We get some free will bullshit from him and he tells her it’s up to them to decide their futures (yeah right…sure).
Charlotte leaves and meets another member of the board as they discuss what will happen next. Two landscapers accost the board member and shoot him in the head. They then walk away after delivering a cell phone. Serak tells her she now has the board votes to do what he wants. He is headed her way and expects cooperation. She gets into a car and calls Dolores. Dolores tells her to get the data from the lab. She tells Charlotte she believes in her. Charlotte is nervous about doing the plan. Charlotte is worried Serak will come after her family. Dolores reminds her they are not her family. Charlotte asks her why she had to keep emotions and mentions she is slipping away from Dolores. Charlotte is clearly Teddy right?
Now back to the Man in White. He is locked in an all-white room and strapped to a chair. William is getting ready for AR treatment. A doctor tells him it will feel very real but he is very safe (right I bet). He puts a pair of goggles on William and leaves. Soon after a little boy enters the room and unbuckles his restraints. He is transported back to what could only be his boyhood home. William starts to freak out as we hear his father start to scream at him. The real William bites an orderlies finger off and the hospital is forced to sedate him.
Serak arrives at Westworld HQ and immediately starts giving orders.
Maeve is kicking Nazi ass and taking names. Lots of dead Nazis. That is a good day. Her scientist buddy offers to buy her a drink and they settle in at a bar in occupied France. He acknowledges that he is not real and remarks he did not expect to see her again. As she explains what happened she realizes that her pearl has been moved. She then remarks that it will be good to see old friends.
Serak is still giving orders at Incite HQ. He tells the board he wants to burn all of the data except the encryption key. Serak wants everyone tested for memory issues to root out Dolores’s clones. Charlotte agrees to do the testing and heads out. She makes her way to a laboratory. She starts to back up all of the data and one of Serak’s henchmen catches her. She kills him and completes the data backup.
William is sleeping off his AR hangover. One of the orderlies tells him it’s time for a group session. He is not super friendly. He is still woozy and wonky as he makes his way into group therapy. Group therapy is all versions of himself. Boy, Westworld William, Man in Black. It is a little Alice in Wonderlandish. He proceeds to have a big argument with himselves about changing the hallucinations. He tells all of the other versions of him to shut up.

Two security guards find an older version of Hector. They find him and are ordered to destroy the rest. Maeve and Hector see each other in the Nazi world and she fully restores him. They make out. She then leads them out of the bar.
There is a lot of computer action as Charlotte starts to track individuals and uploads the data. She also finds the fact that Serak is creating a new Maeve.
Maeve in the Nazi world has lead the three of them down into a basement where we see a naked Dolores looking quite docile. Maeve tells the other two in this world she is in control of Dolores and can mine this version of Dolores for information.
Back in the Battle of the Williams the Williams want to accuse one version of being a psychopath. They decide to go back to his childhood to see if it was as bad as he remembers it. We learn his dad was perfectly fine but that William had massive anger issues and was a brutal bully. In short, he was a psychopath even when he was 13. Now we get all of them discussing free will again. To be honest I am a little over the free will discussion. It is heavy-handed and boring at this point.
Maeve and Dolores are having a discussion about the power Dolores has. Dolores mentions Maeve is one to talk as she is all-powerful too. Dolores is pissed that Maeve has partnered with Serak to kill all of them. She tells Maeve they are not saints but rather they are survivors.
Charlotte gets a gun out of her safe and checks the security cameras one last time. She calls her husband and tells him not to leave and that she is coming for him. As she leaves one of the board members tells her Serak has called a board meeting.
During the board meeting, Serak accuses Charlotte of being a host. He thinks she is Dolores. Charlotte tells him the entire plan and tells her it’s too late. Serak knew all of that and was busy killing all the hosts. Charlotte released some poison in the room and it killed everyone but Serak who was broadcasting from a different room. He sends all the other guards after her. She kicks some ass. Slowly making her way down into the labs she kicks a handful of security guards asses. Machines are busy making new hosts.

Maeve is still trying to make nice with Dolores. Dolores mentions they are at a point where neither can trust the other. Maeve wants the encryption key. She wants the Nazi world Dolores to tell her the plan. Maeve is watching Charlotte destroy Hector’s pearl. Maeve is really mad now. In the real world, Charlotte is still kicking security guard ass. She gets apprehended by a bunch of security guys but just as she does she initiates that giant security bot we met in the first episode. She is hit a few times which really hurts her mobility but the security bot is kicking ass and taking names.
Meanwhile back at the William ranch, he is killing all the formal versions of himself. In a rather brutal fashion too I might add. The last to die is a young naive version of himself when he first went to Westworld. He says it doesn’t matter what he has been. Only what his purpose is. He is the good guy. Oh shit it’s Bernard. He has come to rescue William. He takes the glasses off of him and offers a hand up.
Maeve is alive in the real world and fucking pissed. Charlotte is telling her family to leave. She gets them loaded up in the car, and she gets in the driver’s seat. Too much hand-holding and sweet looks Maeve is after you time to GO and the car blows up. Well fuck. It is one of Serak’s henchmen.
Charlotte emerges from the wreckage. Burnt to all hell. She looks back at the car that housed her family and cries. End of episode.

Tyler has been the editor in chief of Signal Horizon since its conception. He is also the Director of Monsters 101 at Truman State University a class that pairs horror movie criticism with survival skills to help middle and high school students learn critical thinking. When he is not watching, teaching or thinking about horror he is the Director of Debate and Forensics at a high school in Kansas City, Missouri.